Sunday, March 25, 2012


hey world,

Here's this week's gig:

Friendly Noise and Violence Vol. 75
March 31 - Chaos Destroy, Bible Thumper (NJ), spoilage, Hammerthrow at Piss Palace in Baltimore

Remember when this band played sidebar a few months ago? If you do, you probably remember how awesome they were, and may feel inclined to see them again. Touring on their debut LP.

This is going to be the last local show I book until Dekoder in July. I'll be on tour basically the entire month of May and most of June. I also lack the time and energy now to make it up to Baltimore to flyer like I need to. When I was a student, it was easy, now I work 50-60 hours a week with a lot of early mornings, so it's a bit more difficult. sorry Baltimore. still love you forever. I know you won't miss this.

Final thought, totally random people e-mailing me to book them shows in Baltimore, please stop. I am no longer knee-deep in this game as of a few weeks ago. Ask somebody else (preferably someone that actually lives in Baltimore).

-Kamikaze Dan

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


hey world,

Quick post for a quick, (relatively) last second show.

Friendly Noise and Violence Vol. 74
March 17 - No Power (NC), Ecco, +1 TBA at Piss Palace in Baltimore

No Power
just listen to these raw noise jams from the new and rising NC noise ambassadors.

They're going to play at Piss Palace (the same spot that hosted the Globsters show last week) with Ecco, our favorite slow band, and maybe one more band. This all goes down at 8:30 PM for $5 on saturday, March 17. If you want to spend your saturday night being punk as fuck, here's your chance!!

-Kamikaze Dan