I am pleased as punch to confirm tonight that Shoppers (NY) are hopping onto the Cyclops show Sunday night with Nuklear Blast Suntan.
Shoppers are good friends with Lotus Fucker, we've played with them a few times, lovely crew and I'm really stoked they're going to sub in for State Poison. They are very NOISE.....which I like....and they approach making noisy and raw music from a different angle than me.....which I also like.
So now we're looking like:
Nuklear Blast Suntan (GA)
Shoppers (NY)
Lotus Fucker
Chaos Destroy
Dirty Wars (first B-more show)
at Cyclops, 8:30 PM, $5.
-Kamikaze Dan
Hey, I can't seem to find an e-mail on here... but my band Frank and Earnest (MI) is looking for a Baltimore-ish show on Monday August 8 or Tuesday August 9... is there anything we can set up? Please e-mail me at franknearnest (at) gmail (dot) com, thanks a lot and talk to you soon!