Tuesday, February 26, 2013

CURMUDGEON (MA) on April 7!!

Hello world,

let's go let's go let's go let's go.

soon after Hero Dishonest (see below) is this one:

Friendly Noise and Violence Vol. 93
April 7 - At the Graves, Curmudgeon (MA), Howling Curse, Meat at Dishaus

Curmudgeon (MA)

3-piece power violence unit with a hint of the harder side of hardcore. Feels like a part of Baltimore that I always ask to play my gigs and always get blown off by. Oh well, whatever. Anyway, band is good.

supporting them will be At The Graves (best Baltimore metal band), Howling Curse (first 'real' show?), and Meat (aka Wet Brain aka Chickenheads aka Dicks In My Eyes aka they can't decide, my fav new local band).

All this for $5 at Dishaus, on April 7, at 9 PM.

Later in April I've got 3 gigs in a row that are the must-see gigs of the season.....but I'll get to that in a little. For now, let's focus our moshing energies on Hero Dishonest and Curmudgeon. =)

-Kamikaze Dan   

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hero Dishonest (Finnish fastcore veterans) return to Baltimore!!

Hello world,

Okay, still a bit away, but....whatever. The time is always now.

Friendly Noise and Violence Vol. 92
March 26 - Hero Dishonest (Finland), Enemy Insects, Burning Axe at sidebar

 Hero Dishonest (Finland)
Long-running fast hardcore band, touring America a second time on a brand new LP. Known around the world for being a live band first and foremost, so I am interested to see if they live up to their reputation. https://soundcloud.com/hero-dishonest Hear a song there.

Enemy Insects and Burning Axe are also going to play, as the resident Baltimore fast bands. This show is a prime listening experience for those with a need for speed!!

It'll be at sidebar at 9 PM on March 26, and will be $6 at the door. yeahhh.

April and May are going to be BIG, tons of shows for tons of great bands.....but more on that as time goes on. =)

-Kamikaze Dan